Billing Terms

Billing Terms

The price you pay for electricity and/or natural gas ("energy") is made up of delivery and commodity charges.

  • Delivery charge: What you pay CNG to transport energy to your home or business.
  • Commodity charge: What you pay for the energy purchased for you by CNG.


  • Customer Charge: A fixed monthly charge associated with the administration of your account (such as preparing bills, the phone center, reading meters, meter cost, etc.).
  • Connecticut State Tax: The company is required to charge sales tax on certain services. Exemption forms are available on request.
  • Conservation Adjustment Mechanism (CAM): A charge that reimburses CNG for the costs of ratepayer-sponsored conservation programs.
  • Delivery Rate: A charge for moving natural gas across the company’s distribution system to a customer’s home or facility.
  • Distribution Integrity Management Program (DIMP): A charge for expenses related to any pipeline replacement for cast iron and bare steel mains and services each year.
  • Peak Day Rate: A charge for providing pipeline space to accommodate the customer’s highest daily usage. Daily usage is calculated using November – March consumption. Winter months are used because CNG’s overall system peak occurs in the winter.
  • SSC Rate: The Sales Service Charge is designed to recover unique costs specific for those customers that receive their gas supply directly from the company.
  • Trans Serv Chg: The Transportation Services Charge is designed to recover unique costs specific for those customers that receive their gas supply from a third-party supplier.
  • Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA): This amount reflects the total unit cost of gas purchased. This rate will change monthly as approved by the PURA.
  • Rate Credit: The credit is a result of a settlement agreement with the PURA concerning excess earnings.
  • DDM Charge: A fixed monthly charge for the cost of a meter sends information about daily usage to the company. The Company retains ownership of the DDM devices, as it does with all other meter and regulating equipment.
  • Total Gas: The sum of customer charge plus calculated rates.

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