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Learning About Natural Gas

What exactly is natural gas? Where does it come from and how does it get to our homes? Education about this natural source of energy is vital not only for our children but for many adults as well. CNG provides several opportunities for individuals or groups to learn more about natural gas, its uses, and our energy efficiency programs.

Speakers are available to visit schools or senior centers for discussions or hands-on demonstrations of the benefits, properties, and hazards of natural gas. If your school or organization could benefit from one of our programs, please contact our Economic & Community Development Department at 203.499.5953 or send us an email

Topics for discussion include:

Energy Conservation in the home - There are residential programs and steps you can take as a tenant or homeowner to conserve energy and reduce cost.  No matter how you heat your home, or whether you're buying a home or updating where you live now, we can show you how a smart energy home makes life better.

Gas Safety - Safety is a core value that's embedded into everything we do.  Are you wondering how we address public safety in the gas business?  This presentation can answer that question and cover information on converting to natural gas.

Spot the Scam - Scammers and imposters may knock on your door, call you or send spam to your e-mail box.  They use our trusted brands and reputation fraudulently to steal your money and personal information.  This presentation will teach you how to avoid being scammed.





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