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Moving Help

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Support - Moving landing page FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

At CNG, we want to make the process of starting or stopping service simple and convenient for our customers.

Please call CNG's Customer Care Center and someone will assist you Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

- Hartford:  860.524.8361

- Greenwich:  203.869.6900

Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to all gas Rates. A copy of CNG's Rules and Regulations are on file with the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority.

A written application for meter installation and supply of gas will be required from each customer for each meter installed. CNG may reject an application of a former customer who is indebted to CNG.

- Only authorized representatives of CNG or its agents have the right to turn on, turn off, connect or disconnect a meter or service pipe; or repair maintain or disconnect other property owned by the company.

- Gas service is sold upon the express condition that it shall be supplied exclusively by CNG and that the customer shall not directly or indirectly sell, sublet, assign or otherwise dispose of the gas or any part thereof without the written consent of CNG.

Commercial customers to whom service is being supplied may be required to pay a deposit sum equal to the estimated maximum bill for 90 days. Deposits shall be returned (1) where satisfactory credit has been established, or (2) upon termination of service, less any amount then due, together with accrued interest. Simple interest at the deposit index rate established annually in accordance with Public Act 93-242, will be allowed on all deposits from date of deposit.

CNG provides natural gas service to Avon, Berlin, Bloomfield, Bolton, Canton, Coventry, East Hampton, East Hartford, Farmington, Glastonbury, Granby, Greenwich, Hartford, Hebron, Manchester, Mansfield, New Britain, Newington, Portland, Rocky Hill, Simsbury, Unionville, West Hartford, Wethersfield, and Windsor.

Contact Us - Accordion

Contact Us

Non Emergency Contacts

Greater Hartford: 860.524.8361
Greenwich: 203.869.6900
Live Support Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Self-Service Automated Phone Support 24x7

Greater Hartford: 860.727.3400
Greenwich: 800.437.0444

Mon-Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Emergency Contacts

If you are experiencing a natural gas emergency, or if you suspect a natural gas leak, get up, get out and get away! Then call us immediately at 866.924.5325 or 911 from a safe location.

You can also call us using the following local numbers: Greater Hartford: 860.246.5325 and Greenwich: 203.869.6913.

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