CNG, SCG Implement Corrective Action Workplan in Gate Stations, District Regulators to Ensure Resilient Service

Following system-wide internal analysis of nearly 300 sites, companies working to install new or repair existing Cathodic Protection systems across network

Companies targeting full resolution by mid-summer 2025

ORANGE, Conn. — October 21, 2024 — Today, Connecticut Natural Gas (CNG) and Southern Connecticut Gas (SCG), subsidiaries of Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), announced the companies have implemented a comprehensive corrective action workplan to ensure their Gate Stations and District Regulators are resilient against corrosion. Since a 2023 inspection from the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) Gas Pipeline Safety Unit (GPSU), the companies have worked to evaluate the Cathodic Protection systems at all 25 Gate Stations and 260 District Regulators and, where they have found those systems to be deficient, have repaired or upgraded them. The companies expect to complete this work by mid-summer 2025, a timeline that has been reviewed and agreed to by the GPSU.

“At CNG and SCG, there is nothing we take more seriously than providing safe, reliable, and resilient natural gas delivery service to our customers,” said Frank Reynolds, President and CEO of CNG and SCG. “When our team heard that two of our Gate Stations may have had deficient protections against corrosion, we sprang into action, implementing a corrective workplan that sought to evaluate and, where needed, repair and maintain these important upgrades for all of the Gate Stations and District Regulators in our companies’ network – a total of 285 sites. I am proud of the team for actioning these efforts quickly and efficiently to ensure our customers continue to receive top-quality safety, reliability, and resiliency in their natural gas service.”

The companies’ internal investigation began in November 2023 when the GPSU inspected the Cathodic Protection systems at two SCG Gate Stations and found them to be inadequate. Because Cathodic Protection is a method for preventing corrosion on steel pipes in the natural gas distribution system, this system helps ensure the integrity and resiliency of the network. While the GPSU only identified two SCG Gate Stations in need of review, following internal review, the companies chose to also inspect all 25 Gate Stations across the two companies’ networks. Where the Cathodic Protection systems were found to be deficient, the companies worked to repair and upgrade them, and to date, the work across nearly all the companies’ Gate Stations has been completed, with only two remaining.

In the course of evaluating the Cathodic Protection systems at the Gate Stations, CNG and SCG also determined to undertake a review of the systems in all the companies’ District Regulators, which encompasses 143 at CNG and 117 at SCG. Site visits at all 260 District Regulators, which were used to develop the scope of work, have now been completed, and repair and upgrade work is now underway. In coordination with the GPSU, the companies have established an expected completion date of all repair work by mid-summer 2025.  

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