UI, SCG AND CNG Energy Customers With Unpaid Bills Are Urged To Act Now To Avoid Service Interruption

Moratorium on Non-Hardship Residential Service Disconnections ends September 15

ORANGE, Conn. — September 14, 2021 — United Illuminating (UI), Southern Connecticut Gas (SCG) and Connecticut Natural Gas (CNG), subsidiaries of AVANGRID, Inc., [NYSE: AGR] want to help customers find widely available relief for unpaid bills for their electricity and/or gas service. The Connecticut COVID-related hold or “moratorium” on service disconnections will end on September 15. This means customers with a financial need for help with unpaid bills should act now to keep their service on.

“Having unpaid bills is stressful for people and families, but financial help is available if people take some very simple steps, starting by calling us,” said Tracey Pelella, director of customer service. “When bills that are past due are taken care of, it benefits all customers. But most especially, it means people who need help the most are getting it.”

UI, SCG and CNG are in the business of providing essential energy services to the communities we serve,” Pelella added. “We absolutely want to help people keep their service connected, and we urge people to call us at the number below.”   

United Illuminating: 800.722.5584 (800.7.CALLUI) or UInet.com

Southern CT Gas: 800.659.8299 or SoConnGas.com

CT Natural Gas: 860.524.8361 (Hartford area), 203.869.6900 (Greenwich) or CNGCorp.com 

Please Don’t Wait!

Any residential customers experiencing difficulty paying their utility bill should call the customer contact center to inquire about being coded hardship. Any customers ineligible for hardship status, including both residential and nonresidential customers, should ask about the COVID-19 Payment Program.

Non-hardship customers whose accounts are past due should expect to receive letters in the mail from their utility company or companies letting them know that their service may be scheduled to be shut off for nonpayment, and steps they can take to avoid disconnection. But beware of scam tactics. NO utility company will call you and threaten disconnection and demand immediate payment.

UI, SCG and CNG offer a variety of programs to help customers manage bills, control energy costs and avoid loss of service. These include:

COVID-19 Payment Program:

  • Available to any UI, SCG or CNG residential or business customer. Enrollment has been extended through September 30, 2021.
  • Allows up to 24 months to pay overdue balances, with no interest, penalties or down-payments.
  • Customers who make the agreed-upon payments are protected from service disconnection for the duration of the program.

Arrearage Forgiveness Program (Matching Payment Program):

  • Available to residential UI electric heating customers, as well as residential SCG and CNG gas heating customers. Contact us to find out if you meet state income guidelines for energy assistance.
  • When combined with public assistance benefits, monthly payments can be reduced to as little as $50.
  • The company will match customer payments, plus energy assistance received, to reduce the balance owed down to zero.
  • Customers who make payments for the duration of the program phase are protected from service disconnection.
  • Enroll by calling the company or visit 211ct.org to find a local Community Action Agency and apply for state energy assistance funds.

UI Matching Payment Plan:

  • The UI customer agrees to a fixed monthly budget amount, and the company matches payments down to a zero balance.
  • Available to UI residential customers who can show financial hardship and have a balance of at least $500 that is 90 days or more in arrears.

Medical Protection:

  • Available to residential gas heating or electric customers if they or a household family member have a serious or life-threatening medical condition.
  • Protects against service disconnection for up to one year. Customers are still responsible for any balance owed.
  • To enroll, call the company and provide the Customer Care Representative with the name and date of birth of the patient, as well as the name, phone and fax number of the physician. The company will contact the physician to provide certification of the medical hardship.

Energy-Saving Solutions: Available to any qualifying UI, SCG or CNG customer who wants to reduce their energy usage for more affordable bills.

  • Energy Analyzer: Displays a breakdown of your usage and offers tips to help you save. Visit the company’s website to learn more.
  • Home Energy Solutions: Offers an energy assessment and weatherization service for your home. Currently available to residential customers at no cost. Call 877.947.3873 (877.WISE.USE) or visit your company’s website.
  • Business Solutions: Work with our energy experts to find ways to save on energy and lighting. Visit the UI, SCG or CNG website and click “Smart Energy.”

Manage Electricity Supply Costs: Visit energizect.com or call 877.947.3873 (877.WISE.USE) to compare generation rates. Be sure to check terms and conditions. Your supplier and rate can be found on your electricity bill. Not available to customers enrolled in income-based hardship programs.

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About UI: The United Illuminating Company (UI) is a subsidiary of AVANGRID, Inc. Established in 1899, UI operates approximately 3,600 miles of electric distribution lines and 138 miles of transmission lines. It serves approximately 341,000 customers in the greater New Haven and Bridgeport areas of Connecticut. UI received the Edison Electric Institute’s Emergency Recovery Award in 2019 and 2021. For more information, visit www.uinet.com.  

About SCG: The Southern Connecticut Gas Company (SCG) is a subsidiary of AVANGRID, Inc. Established in 1847, SCG operates approximately 2,500 miles of natural gas distribution pipelines, serving approximately 206,000 customers in the greater New Haven and Bridgeport areas of Connecticut. For more information, visit www.soconngas.com

About CNG: Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation (CNG) is a subsidiary of AVANGRID, Inc. Established in 1848, CNG operates approximately 2,200 miles of natural gas distribution pipeline, serving approximately 183,000 customers across 26 communities in the greater Hartford-New Britain area, and Greenwich, Connecticut. For more information, visit www.cngcorp.com.   

About AVANGRID: AVANGRID, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) aspires to be the leading sustainable energy company in the United States. Headquartered in Orange, CT with approximately $39 billion in assets and operations in 24 U.S. states, AVANGRID has two primary lines of business: Avangrid Networks and Avangrid Renewables. Avangrid Networks owns eight electric and natural gas utilities, serving more than 3.3 million customers in New York and New England. Avangrid Renewables owns and operates a portfolio of renewable energy generation facilities across the United States. AVANGRID employs approximately 7,000 people and has been recognized by Forbes and Just Capital as one of the 2021 JUST 100 companies - a list of America's best corporate citizens - and was ranked number one within the utility sector for its commitment to the environment and the communities it serves. The company supports the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals and was named among the World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2021 for the third consecutive year by the Ethisphere Institute. For more information, visit www.avangrid.com.   



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